'Super Mayor' Tiffany Henyard's Lavish Spending on Parties, Luxurious Travels, $1M on Cop Overtime, and Unapproved Ice Rink Exposed - www.conservativeroof.com
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‘Super Mayor’ Tiffany Henyard’s Lavish Spending on Parties, Luxurious Travels, $1M on Cop Overtime, and Unapproved Ice Rink Exposed

Illinois’ self-proclaimed “super mayor,” Tiffany Henyard, has been splurging a significant amount of money from her financially struggling small town’s funds.

This includes thousands of dollars on unauthorized ice rinks, frequent extravagant parties, luxurious travel, and over a million dollars on paying local police officers to act as her personal security team.

“The spending has become unbearable for the residents. It’s parties and a lot of events. It’s resources in reference to making it look like something is being done, but we really can’t afford it,” said Dolton, Illinois, trustee, Kiana Belcher.

Mayor Henyard, formerly unsuccessful in the burger joint business, has faced criticism in the past few months for her extravagant behavior and questionable expenditures.

This includes hiring a DJ to emphasize her statements during official government meetings and enlisting police officers to dance in her music videos. These actions have sparked outrage among residents and local officials alike.

“A million dollars of overtime for the police department is absurd. We canโ€™t afford it,” Belcher added.

A small village with approximately 20,000 residents located just south of Chicago, Dolton is currently grappling with a staggering $5 million debt. Trustee Jason House attributed this debt accumulation to the period shortly after Henyard assumed office in 2021.

She clarified that her inauguration celebration cost $15,000, initially stating that her campaign funds would cover the expense. However, it was later revealed that the cost was charged to the village’s account.

“If there is a party, she’s going to make it happen,โ€ Belcher said, pointing out a Valentine’s Day party that was held at the town’s ice rink on Wednesday night.

In the autumn of 2022, it’s reported that Henyard bypassed the village board’s authority and directed the construction of the rink on public property, costing $115,000. She initiated the project by placing a $10,000 deposit.

Upon learning of the situation, the board ceased further payments for the rink. Undeterred, Henyard circumvented the board once more and arranged for a separate company to install the rink, which was completed successfully.

The completion of the rink coincided with a crucial election for Henyard, as reported by Illinois Answers. Just days before the election, the mayor organized a grand opening for the rink and shared a video online mocking the town board.

“Remember: when all five of them trustees said no, look what God did!” she said, cackling.

Residents and local officials have not found the situation to be as entertaining.

“It’s no transparency. You ask questions and they don’t want to give you the information. As the legislative body, we pay the bills,” said Belcher, who complained that the rink only ever gets used when Henyard allows it.

In September 2022, Henyard and the town board made a decision to donate $10,000 to her personal foundation, which claims to aid cancer patients.

Records examined by the Illinois Answers Project and FOX 32 reveal that the foundation was officially registered with the state on the same day the donation was approved.

One month later, Henyard organized a 10-day walk and bike ride to Springfield in support of her foundation. However, it’s been revealed that she primarily billed the expenses of this trip to the Dolton credit card.

Overall, the trip incurred approximately $11,000 in expenses for accommodations, dining, photography, DJ services, and supplies, as reported by FOX 32. Furthermore, a fleet of town-owned vehicles was deployed to escort the walk.

Furthermore, documents revealed that the town spent over $17,000 for branded sweatshirts and t-shirts just a week prior to the walk.

However, officials declined to disclose the purpose of this merchandise. Throughout the walk, Henyard distributed branded foundation sweatshirts and t-shirts, which were also being sold for approximately $30 on the foundation’s website.

Henyard’s habit of hosting lavish parties and embarking on trips funded by the town has emerged as another concern for numerous residents in Dolton.

According to records obtained by WGN9, trips to Atlanta, Austin, and New York City, during Henyard’s tenure as mayor, cost the city over $67,000. These trips often involved first-class flights and stays at luxury hotels like the Four Seasons.

Since 2021, employing local police officers as her personal security team has resulted in the town spending approximately seven figures in overtime pay for these officers.

“The contract says that you can have a detail but it should be on their shift and it changes. But with her people, they pick up at 10 a.m. and drop off at 12, one in the morning so it’s all overtime hours” Belcher said.

“They pick up her daughter from school, they go shopping,” she added.

“The previous mayor had these decoy cop cars, where they’ll have a car there but no one’s actually in it. So that a deterrent enough for most people but that wasn’t enough for her,” explained trustee Brittney Norwood.

Henyard’s spending habits have escalated to the point where trustees have taken legal action against her, alleging forgery of checks and withholding of financial records.

During a heated town hall last week, the mayor strongly criticized the trustees for filing the lawsuit and accused them of targeting her because of her race, despite the fact that many of them are also black.

“You all should be ashamed of yourselves because you all are black. You all are black,” Henyard said at the meeting. “And you all [are] sitting up here beating and attacking a black woman that’s in power.”

Henyard also holds the position of Thornton Township supervisor. Between these two roles, she earns an annual salary of approximately $285,000.

Prior to assuming office, Henyard operated a burger joint named Good Burger in the cafeteria of South Suburban College, which eventually closed down.

As of last spring, she reportedly still owed the college approximately $1,500 in unpaid bills associated with the business, as per FOX 32.

Chicago Police records from 2016 indicate that she was arrested and charged with criminal trespass to vehicles. The outcome of these charges remains unclear.

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