WATCH: The White House Contains a Creepy Figurine of Trump’s Head Beaten Up

A video shared on social media shows what seems to be a small statue or bust of former President Donald Trump on a high shelf in the briefing room.

The figure is orange in color and appears to have been beaten and bruised.

“They got rid of all the cute figurines and all that’s left is this,” a caption on the video reads.

There’s no clear explanation for its placement or the individual responsible, but the image of a former president, depicted as beaten and bruised, disrespectfully placed on what appears to be a shelf for random camera equipment in the White House briefing room, where he once held the highest office in the nation.

Imagine the outrage if, instead of Trump, this had been a bust of former President Obama.

This proves one thing, though: Not only is Trump still living rent-free in their heads, he’s apparently still living rent-free on their shelves as well.

This is a strange story. But then again, it’s the Biden White House, so maybe not so strange.


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