Singer and Activist John Legend: ‘Trump Benefits From a Two-Tiered Justice System’

On Monday’s episode of MSNBC’s “Inside,” singer and activist John Legend stated that former President Donald Trump is not the victim of a two-tiered justice system because of his wealth.

“At a time when we are hearing, over and over from Donald Trump , and will hear again from his allies that he is somehow the victim of a two-tiered system of justice,” host Jen Psaki said.

“It’s important to be very clear that there is one system for the powerful and wealthy, people like Donald Trump, and another system for everyone else. Don’t take my word for it,” she continued.

“I sat down with someone who has spent the last several years fighting for the people who are actually victims of an unfair justice system, singer and activist John Legend. Listen to his response when asked about Donald Trump’s claim that he is the victim of a two-tier justice system,” Psaki added.

“He is part of a two-tiered system of justice not the way he thinks he is,” Legend said.

“He is getting way more concessions than the average criminal defendant would get. He is getting delays. He’s got access to all kinds of lawyers that are filing this and filing that, delaying every trial,” the singer continued.

“Most people don’t have access to that kind of lawyering, do not have access to the concessions the justice system will provide if you can afford it,” Legend added.

Following a negative tweet from the president in 2019, Legend spoke with Cosmopolitan U.K., disclosing that he and his wife are considering leaving the United States because of Trump.

“Every once in a while you think about it,” the singer told the outlet.

“We were born and raised here, all of our families are here. It would be hard to leave. But I don’t know what one’s supposed to do when you have a leader who is trying to destroy democracy.”

“At some point, if that project (to destroy democracy) was to be in any way successful, you’d have to think about going somewhere that is a true democracy, that has respect for the rule of law and human rights,” he added.

“If America chooses to be that place then people will have to start thinking about going somewhere else. It is truly disturbing and concerning.”


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