‘Shark Tank’ Star and Investor O’Leary: ‘America Will Turn into Canada if Kamala Harris Is Elected’

Kevin O’Leary, star of “Shark Tank” and investor, claimed Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Jesse Watters Primetime” that if Kamala Harris wins the election in November, the United States become Canada.

“There is precedent for what is going on here. I ask everybody to look north to Canada,” O’Leary said.

“When a young Justin Trudeau swept in, nobody cared about his executional skills or what he’d ever done or anything. They just thought he was the it guy,” he continued.

“Look at the country now it’s wiped out it because it turns out the guy had no executional skills. It would be important to leave aside the politics and ask what has Kamala Harris actually done, actually achieved?” he added.

“Because if I was hiring her, and I am not trying to be partisan, I would ask her, what is a goal, what did you achieve? Any governor or senator that you put into presidential viability would have a history, a track record of doing stuff,” the investor said.

“I can tell you this. in the next two weeks, the happy talk is going to have to stop because someone is going to sit her down and say, let’s talk inflation, let’s talk border, let’s talk policy on energy, let’s talk policy on foreign affairs. And if she doesn’t deliver on that with the new vision towards the center,” O’Leary later added.

It’s worth noting that back In June O’Leary said that former President Donald Trump’s pick for vice president should be “someone that’s very much not like him, that has executional skills.”

“I’ve sat with a governor or sat with his staff. This guy gets stuff done, whether you need a permit or whether you need policy or you what to sent taxes. You need to speak to the CEO of a company he’s a business guy, so it’s a personal reflection that I see here. And frankly, I think Trump could use someone that’s very much not like him, that has executional skills.” O’Leary said.

“You get Burgum, this mandate, you say go fix the border, go fix energy, go fix whatever that’s what he does. I’m just saying it from a personal perspective. I like this guy as Trump insurance because Trump is bombastic, but he even himself said in the last few weeks, look, I made some mistakes in my first term. I’m not going to hire the same people and reposition,” he added.

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