Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Declares: ‘The Second Amendment Is Settled, Not Taking Anyone’s Guns’

During a conversation with Elon Musk on Monday, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a Democratic presidential candidate, stated that the Second Amendment is settled and that the Kennedy administration will not be trying to take away guns.

Dr. Benjamin Braddock quoted RFK Jr., who said: “My position on gun control is that I’m not going to take away anybody’s guns. I’m a constitutional maximalist and the issue has been settled by the Supreme Court.”

He continued by addressing school shootings and emphasizing his readiness to take significant measures to fortify schools and put an end to school shootings.

RFK Jr. said, ”I understand personally the heartbreak of gun violence…we have to stop school shootings… if it comes down to protecting schools like we protect airlines, we’ll do that.”

He spoke beyond school shootings to mass shootings in general, emphasizing his intention to “thoroughly investigate” any potential involvement of “psychiatric drugs” in high-profile shootings.

“We…have to look at the role of psychiatric drugs…prior to the introduction of Prozac we had almost no events like this,” he said.

As reported by Breitbart:

In Heller (2008), SCOTUS affirmed that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to have a gun in the home for self-defense.

In Bruen (2022), SCOTUS affirmed that the Second Amendment protects a right to carry a gun outside the home for self-defense.

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