Rep. Jim Clyburn Calls Biden One of the Greatest Presidents in U.S. History (VIDEO)

Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn claims that Joe Biden will be remembered as one of the greatest presidents in American history.

In an interview on MSNBC’s Chris Jansing Reports, the South Carolina congressman stated that history will look favorably on Biden.

“Given everything that was in place when he took office, Covid the economic challenges, do you think that this was in some ways inevitable?” Jansing asked. “And how do you think history will judge this presidency?”

Clyburn responded: “I think that he will go down as one of the greatest presidents we ever had. I think the same thing about Jimmy Carter, who we just funeralized. Jimmy Carter left the presidency with very, very low ratings. Harry Truman, the same thing.”

“People who do big things, people who break with the status quo. These people do not get judged well in the currency. But when history gets a chance to look back to read the things he said and did, rather than to respond to the way he said them,” he continued.

“I heard people this morning or last night talking about him not being a great communicator. Well, some people are good speakers, other people are great doers, and some people just know how to write. And that is what it is all about,” he said.

“We are judging people on substance when we look back on them, not on style. If you’re looking for style, Joe Biden is not your guy. On substance, he’s everybody’s person,” he concluded.


Despite Clyburn’s claims, a Gallup poll conducted earlier this month, Americans currently believe that Joe Biden is the second worst president in history.

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