Former House Speaker Paul Ryan Claims ‘Mike Johnson Risked His Own Personal Political Fortune for the Greater Good’

Paul Ryan, a member of the Fox Corporation Board of Directors, praised House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) for allowing Democrats to take over the House last week.

Democrats steamrolled Johnson by effectively advancing the Biden administration’s agenda through the House. According to Punchbowl, Johnson gave Biden “pretty much everything” he requested “without having to concede much in return.”

The win of the Democrats served as a reminder of how some Republicans frequently choose not to leverage their ability to promote conservative policies that resonate with their base. Democrats, on the other hand, often seem unhesitant to wield their power.

Johnson “found his footing and his voice. … [H]e did it as a statesman, risking his own personal political fortune for the greater good that he believes in,” Ryan told Axios Tuesday.

The opinion of the ex-House Speaker seems to reflect the mainstream establishment viewpoint on Johnson’s significant move, but it doesn’t align with the views of many conservatives.

“A party unable to bring its agenda to the floor for a vote is no longer a functional majority,” Brendan Buck, a top staffer to Ryan, recently wrote in a New York Times op-ed.

Ryan’s remark comes as he holds considerable influence within the Fox Corporation Board of Directors. Since March 2019, Ryan, a board member, serves as the chair of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee at Fox Corporation.

His authority includes establishing |broad corporate policies,” setting “strategic direction,” and overseeing “management identification and management of risks,” according to Fox Corporation.

Ryan’s role raises questions about why his viewpoints are not disclosed to viewers during Fox News and Fox Business media broadcasts.

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