New York City Palestinians Threaten to Rape Then Murder Jewish Sports Journalist

If a young woman has to hire a bodyguard just because she’s Jewish, it’s a clear sign that society is moving in a dangerous direction.

Emily Austin, a 22-year-old sports journalist, shared her distressing experience on Fox & Friends this Monday. In an interview, she revealed the harrowing ordeal of facing a barrage of online threats, including messages alluding to rape and death.

What’s even more alarming, Austin disclosed that some individuals have gone to the extreme of sending her own address to her.

Initially, Emily believed the threats originated from the Gaza area. However, upon conducting a more thorough investigation, she discovered that the threats were actually local, originating within New York City.

As reported by Fox News:

Israel activist and journalist Emily Austin says online death and rape threats forced her to invest in a bodyguard in New York City as tensions escalate over the tumult in the Middle East.

“I’d be lying to you if I told you I didn’t get a bodyguard for the next, who knows how long. I got a bodyguard because of my appearances on TV,” she told “FOX & Friends” Monday.

“People are sending me my address. People are sending me rape threats, death threats. At first, I thought, ‘You know what? They’re all in Gaza,’ but they’re not. I looked into these accounts. They are here in New York.”

The 22-year-old sports reporter’s concerns follow growing instances of anti-Israel rhetoric in New York and across the world following Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack.

Emily Austin went on to explain to Fox & Friends Lawrence Jones that she does not feel safe in America considering how much Anti-Semitism there is.

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