MSNBC’s Joy Reid: ‘Donald Trump Is the Greatest Promoter of Political Violence’

MSNBC is covering the Republican National Convention this week, and for some reason, Joy Reid has been given a platform to speak.

Last week, she compared Trump to Hitler, and now she is claiming that Trump is the greatest promoter of political violence.

Just days after the man was shot, she is blaming him for political violence. She also used the opportunity to absolve MSNBC of any responsibility for the public’s lack of confidence in the media.

How does this woman still have a job discussing politics on TV?

This is what she had to say:

I will say that the kind of universal kind of reaction that I’m getting, whether it’s civilians or, you know, professionals, is really a deep concern and lack of confidence in not us at this table or us at MSNBC, but us as the media writ large. And a fear that what’s going to happen now is that the Republican Party will do what they do.

They’re in the middle of a campaign. They’re, you know, the convention started today. That the media will acquiesce to trying to convince people that the things they’ve been experiencing for the last, you know, five, six years didn’t happen.

That the greatest purveyor and promoter of political violence really, you know, since anyone can remember, since George Wallace, I think, you know, that we just haven’t experienced that kind of open, you know, sort of incitement of violence or sort of luxuriating in the idea of violence. It’s just not something we’re used to anymore in American politics. And then we had to get used to that being a thing.

And people are concerned and expressing concern that we won’t be the guardians of memory. And that we will allow Donald Trump, as he is, you know, bathed in the glory and grandeur of his party, to rewrite himself as both a hero and a victim. That people who are the most vulnerable to not just the things he’s done, but the things he’s promising to do.


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