[AUDIO] Former Vice President Mike Pence: 'We Don't Know What Trump's Defense Is — We Need To Stand by The Rule of Law' - www.conservativeroof.com
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[AUDIO] Former Vice President Mike Pence: ‘We Don’t Know What Trump’s Defense Is — We Need To Stand by The Rule of Law’

On Wednesday, Mike Pence joined Clay Travis and Buck Sexton on their popular radio show.

During the interview, Mike Pence refused to promise a pardon for President Donald Trump if the Biden administration succeeds in imprisoning the leading GOP candidate. He said that “we need to stand by the rule of law.”

As we already reported, Mike Pence previously said that he will not pardon any January 6 prisoners who are receiving six times the court sentences of an ordinary criminal.

You can make a solid argument that the only reason they’re behind bars is only because Mike Pence lied to the American public and didn’t take action on January 6th.


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