High-Ranking Hamas Official Threatens: 'We're Not Far Off From Launching War of Liberation, Which Will Be Bigger Than October 7' - www.conservativeroof.com

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High-Ranking Hamas Official Threatens: ‘We’re Not Far Off From Launching War of Liberation, Which Will Be Bigger Than October 7’

A high-ranking Hamas official has asserted that the terrorist group is “not far off” from launching a “war of liberation,” which he claims will be bigger than the October 7 incursion into Israel.

Hamas political bureau member Osama Hamdan made these stark statements during an interview with the Lebanese media outlet Bel Moubashar Online.

In the interview, translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), he “promised that a war of liberation is coming, not just another October 7,” and he believes that such an event is imminent.

Hamdan, in his late 50s, also showed no remorse for “shattering an entire division of the occupation army,” referring to the 1,200 Israelis, almost all of whom were civilians, killed by Hamas during the October 7 incursion.

The group targeted young women, children, and families, killing thousands and kidnapping hundreds during the chaos of the incursion.


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