Former NBA Player Charles Barkley Strikes Once Again: ‘If You’re a Black Person Wearing a Trump Mugshot, You Are a Freaking Idiot’

During CNN’s “King Charles” show, former NBA player Charles Barkley expressed on Wednesday that black people who wear former President Donald Trump’s mugshot-related merchandise are freakin’ idiots.

Co-host Gayle King said: “I don’t know if you know, normally, you know, we’re sitting here and we don’t make the news, but this past week, Charles, I don’t know if you know but you’ve been in the news for some comments you made on our last show.”

Last Wednesday, Barkley stated: “If I see a black person walking around with Trump mug shot I’m going to punch him in the face.”

And now he said: “Number one, obviously, I’m not gonna go around punching random strangers in the face โ€“ first and foremost. Secondly, people can vote for who they want to. People can vote for who they want to.”

“The point I was trying to make, no, the point I was making, I wasn’t trying to make it โ€“ when Donald Trump compares his plight with that of the black person, that is what I had a problem with,” he added.

“Now, I do wanna say this,” he continued. “I want to make it perfectly clear. If you’re a black person and you wearing a Donald Trump mugshot, you are a freaking idiot.”

“And I’m only saying freakinโ€™ idiot because they won’t let me say what I really wanna say. But you can figure it out. It starts with an F,” he added.

“I’ll stick by what I said. If you’re wearing a Trump mugshot around, you are a freakin’ idiot,” he said once again.

King said: “But you aren’t gonna go just randomly attacking people in the street. That’s the only point I wanted to make.”

Barkley said: “Unless they had Trump sneakers on too.”

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