Cruise Line Offers Four-Year Escape for Americans Seeking to Avoid a Second Trump Presidency

A Florida-based cruise line is offering Americans a four-year trip designed as an escape for those seeking to avoid President Trump’s second term.

Cruise line Villa Vie Residences has announced the launch of its Tour La Vie program, which allows passengers to spend up to four years on board while visiting 140 countries.

CEO Mikael Petterson shared: “We came up with this marketing campaign before we even knew who would win. Regardless of who would have won, you would have half of the population upset.”

“Quite frankly, we don’t have a political view one way or the other. We just wanted to give people who feel threatened to have a way to get out,” he added.

The cruise comes at a high cost.

Prices for the four-year trip start at $256,000, and if you are going with a spouse or partner, it will cost up to $320,000.

As reported by Yahoo News:

A cruise line company is offering Americans a four-year escape from President-elect Donald Trump’s second term in the White House.

Florida-based cruise company Villa Vie Residences recently announced the launch of its Tour La Vie program, allowing passengers to spend up to four years visiting over 140 countries – all while avoiding the United States.

The Tour La Vie trip offers a variety of extended stays aboard the Villa Vie Odyssey, including a one-year “Escape from Reality” cruise, a two-year “Mid-Term Selection” cruise, a three-year “Everywhere but Home” option, and the four-year “Skip Forward” trip.

“We came up with this marketing campaign before we even knew who would win. Regardless of who would have won, you would have half of the population upset,” CEO Mikael Petterson told Newsweek. “Quite frankly, we don’t have a political view one way or the other. We just wanted to give people who feel threatened to have a way to get out.”

Since announcing the trip, Petterson claims the company has received an “uptick” in calls inquiring about the cruise.

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