Representative Cori Bush on Independence Day: ‘4th of July Is a Great Day to Demand Reparations’

Far-left Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) took a different approach on Independence Day.

Rather than joining in the typical celebration of the ideals, risks, and sacrifices that contributed to the success of the great American experiment, she used the occasion to demand “reparations now.”

July 4, the celebration of American independence and a reminder of the revival of the very “Spirit of 1776,” turned out to be a disappointing day for the leftist congresswoman, who apparently dismissed the risks taken by the Founding Fathers and, rather, used the opportunity to demand reparations.

“The Declaration of Independence was written by enslavers and didn’t recognize Black people as human. Today is a great day to demand Reparations Now,” Bush stated.

There was no mention of the content of the Declaration of the Independence itself in Bush’s initial message, such as the foundational and “self-event” truth that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Many social media users criticized Bush for her insensitive perspective on Independence Day, highlighting the irony of her demand, especially because she is an accomplished black woman who represents her district in Congress.

“Didn’t this happen in 1776? And today you’re in Congress? Representing your district? Getting paid six figures for race-baiting?” someone asked.

It should come as no surprise that Bush holds such a viewpoint, as she has consistently asserted that Independence Day, a day regarded as one of the “most important holidays” to the majority of Americans, is exclusively intended for white people.

In 2021, she claimed that black people are still not free.

In May, Bush put forth a bill that aims to establish a federal reparations program, which would give $14 trillion specifically to black Americans.

The legislation claims that the U.S. “has a moral and legal obligation to provide reparations for the enslavement of Africans and its lasting harm on the lives of millions of Black people.”

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