Bucks County Democrat Commissioner Who Bragged About Law Violations Now Claims Her Words Were Misinterpreted

The Democrat Commissioner from Bucks County, Pennsylvania, who openly boasted about defying the state Supreme Court’s order, is now attempting to backtrack on her statement amid growing calls for her to be jailed.

“Democrat Commissioners Diane Marseglia and Bob Harvie voted today to count illegal ballots, against Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling, in an attempt to aid former Senator Bob Casey,” Bucks County GOP said last Thursday.

Diane Marseglia openly bragged about violating the law and defying the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling.

“We all know that precedent by a court doesn’t matter anymore in this country. And people violate laws anytime they want. So, for me, if I violate this law, it’s because I want a court to pay attention to it,” Democrat Diane Marseglia said.

According to the Free Beacon, Diane Marseglia contributed to Bob Casey’s campaign.

Now she’s claiming her comments were misinterpreted and taken out of context even though she is on video defying the Pennsylvania state Supreme Court.

“I apologize for all the upset and confusion it caused,” Diane Marseglia said to the Philly Inquirer.

As reported by The Philadelphia Inquirer:

Bucks County Board of Commissioners Chair Diane Ellis-Marseglia said Monday that her comments about violating the Pennsylvania Supreme Court were taken out of context after they set off a national backlash against the county’s election board.

Ellis-Marseglia, a Democrat, blamed a “misinterpretation of [an] inartfully worded statement on my part” after her comment drew rebukes from President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign and the state’s Democratic governor, among a host of others, after Bucks County was one of several that defied a guidance from the state’s high court and voted to accept undated mail ballots.

“I apologize for all the upset and confusion it caused,” Ellis-Marseglia said about her comments.

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