BREAKING NEWS: Louisiana Senate Passes a Bill That Bans Sex Change Procedures, Hormones and Puberty Blockers for Minors -
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BREAKING NEWS: Louisiana Senate Passes a Bill That Bans Sex Change Procedures, Hormones and Puberty Blockers for Minors

On Monday, the Louisiana State Senate passed a bill, 29-10, that would prohibit cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, and mutilating sex change surgeries for minors.

The bill, known as HB648 or “The Stop Harming Our Kids Act,” is set to return to the state House, which previously passed the measure, to approve minor amendments, as reported by the Associated Press on Tuesday.

The state Senate made a noteworthy move by reviving the bill on Friday after the Senate Health and Welfare Committee had voted against it on Wednesday, causing it to be terminated.

If the House gives its approval to the bill, it will be sent to the desk of Democrat Gov.John Bel Edwards, who opposes protecting children and teenagers from the transgender activist agenda.

”Edwards has not said whether he would veto the bill. If he does, lawmakers could convene a veto session to try to override his decision. Last session, Edwards chose not to block a law banning transgender athletes from participating in women and girls’ sports competitions in Louisiana, although he successfully vetoed a similar measure the year before,” according to the report.

According to the legislation’s text, under the proposed bill, any healthcare professional who performs gives sex transition drugs or performs sex change surgeries on a minor could have their professional license revoked for a minimum of two years.

The text also allows citizens to bring a civil action against those who violate the legislation for damages, injunctive or declaratory relief, attorney fees, and any other appropriate remedies for injuries suffered.

At the moment, in the state, minors under the age of 18 are required to obtain parental consent before being able to use sex transition drugs or undergo sex change procedures.

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