ARIZONA UPDATE: Republicans Secured Early Voting Lead by 218,311—GOP Election Day Turnout Is 2-to-1 Over Democrats

Republicans appear to be well-positioned in the battleground state of Arizona as Election Day voting continues.

Uplift Campaigns continues to publish its hourly data.

Throughout the election cycle, Uplift posts the latest updates on mail-in ballot counts on its website as ballots continue arriving in the weeks before Election Day.

On Election Day, Uplift is tracking the hourly reported results from precincts across Maricopa County and the state of Arizona.

Republicans outperformed Democrats in early voting this year.

Statewide, 2.5 million ballots have been received. The tracker now includes 8 additional counties, including Maricopa (136,000) and Pima (13,000).

Republicans turned in 1,015,409 votes in early voting and Democrats turned in 797,098 votes in early voting.

And Republicans are crushing it on Election Day voting in Maricopa County and across the state, with a 42% GOP turnout compared to a 38% Democratic turnout.

The pressure is certainly on Democrats at this point.

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