Ann Coulter Insults President Trump: ‘Any Republican Who Thought He Could Get Away With Doing Something Illegal Only Because Democrats Did It Is Too Stupid to Be Our Champion’

On Wednesday, Ann Coulter posted an opinion piece on Breitbart about the Trump indictment orchestrated by the radical Democrats.

She accused former President Donald Trump of ‘committing serious felonies’ and claimed that liberals had finally caught him.

This is what she wrote, via Breitbart:

Last week’s indictment of Donald Trump is the latest example of why liberals really should have read my book, Resistance Is Futile. Or Aesop’s fable “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” Either one.

After years of making insane accusations against Trump, from Russian collusion to indicting him for misdemeanor record-keeping errors in his blackmail payments to a porn star, liberals finally have him dead to rights committing serious felonies. And no one believes them.

It’s your own fault, liberals.

Much to my surprise, the documents Trump had spirited away to Mar-a-Lago were not cheesy souvenirs appealing to his juvenile sensibility, like Shaquille O’Neal’s shoe or a picture with Kim Kardashian.

No, the documents he’d stuffed in Mar-a-Lago’s ballroom, bathroom, and shower (among other highly secure locations) included information about our nuclear weapons programs, the defense capabilities of the U.S. and other countries, potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack, and plans for possible retaliation.

As Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr said in an interview with “Fox News Sunday,” these were “among the most sensitive secrets the country has.”

Trump’s argument isn’t that he didn’t do it, but deflection. What about Hillary? What about Hunter Biden? It’s a double standard!


Any Republican who thought he could get away with doing something illegal because Democrats did it first is too stupid to be our champion, much less the Republican nominee for president.

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