American Psychological Association Adopts New Policy Supporting Transgenderism -

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American Psychological Association Adopts New Policy Supporting Transgenderism

The American Psychological Association (APA) has approved a policy statement that promotes K-12 transgenderism and denounces child-protection laws.

The new policy calls for “insurance plans to extend coverage for health care services tailored to the developmental needs of children, adolescents, and adults identifying as transgender, gender diverse or nonbinary, encompassing both psychological and medical gender-affirming care,” the APA said in a press release.

The organization emphasizes that the policy supports “evidence-based care for transgender, gender diverse and nonbinary children, adolescents and adults,” and argues that limiting such practices exposes people to “the risk of depression, anxiety, and other adverse mental health outcomes.”

“The adoption of this resolution reaffirms APA’s dedication to promoting inclusivity, dignity and access to quality health care for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity or expression,” APA President Cynthia de las Fuentes said.

“It sends a clear message that state bans on gender-affirming care disregard the comprehensive body of medical and psychological research supporting the positive impact of such treatments in alleviating psychological distress and improving overall well-being for transgender, gender diverse and nonbinary individuals throughout their lives,” she added.

The APA’s governing council of representatives recently approved a policy titled “Policy Statement on Affirming Evidence-Based Inclusive Care for Transgender, Gender Diverse, and Nonbinary Individuals, Addressing Misinformation, and the Role of Psychological Practice and Science.”

Back in 2019, the APA released a guide directing graduate programs in psychology to phase out language that highlights biological distinctions among individuals. Instead, they advocate for using “gender-inclusive” terminology to create a “safe learning environment” for transgender students.

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