American Actor Kelsey Grammer Muted for Saying That He Still Supports President Donald Trump

Actor Kelsey Grammer recently expressed his continued support for former President Donald Trump in an interview. However, Paramount, the studio producing his upcoming Frasier reboot, apparently ended the interview short before the actor could elaborate.

Kelsey Grammer talked to BBC Radio 4 about the upcoming Frasier series, which streams on Paramount+.

In the interview, BBC Radio 4 host Justin Webb asked Grammer about his current stance on Trump. The Emmy-winning star responded, “I am and I’ll let that be the end of it.”

Grammer’s comment comes right after the six-minute radio segment.

Webb then revealed the details of what occurred behind the scenes.

“I have to say actually Kelsey Grammer himself was perfectly happy to go on talking about it,” the presenter said. “The Paramount Plus PR people, less happy that he talked about it at some length so weโ€ฆ They decided we’d had plenty of time for our interview.”

“But I should stress that he was perfectly happy to talk about why he supports Donald Trump and still does in the forthcoming election,” he added.

In the past, Kelsey Grammer hasn’t hesitated to express his backing for conservative candidates, including Trump.

The actor restated his endorsement of then-President Donald Trump in 2019, noting that Trump’s disruption of the usual political norms “is a good thing.”

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