Republican Presidential Candidate Nikki Haley Claims: 'Nominating Trump Is Like Suicide for Our Country' -
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Republican Presidential Candidate Nikki Haley Claims: ‘Nominating Trump Is Like Suicide for Our Country’

Former South Carolina Governor and presidential candidate Nikki Haley, who recently faced defeat in her home state’s primary, contends that nominating former President Donald Trump “is like suicide” for the United States, pointing to Trump’s various legal cases.

During an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Haley declined to pledge her support for Trump as the eventual nominee, stating, “What I will tell you is that I have serious concerns about Donald Trump.”

“I have more serious concerns about Joe Biden,” she added.

Citing the array of charges against Trump, Haley asserted, “This may be his survival mode to pay his legal fees and get out of some sort of legal peril, but this is like suicide for our country.”

“We’ve got to realize that if we don’t have someone who can win a general election, all we are doing is caving to the socialist left,” she added.

Recent polls indicate a stark difference in public opinion. The multiple legal challenges against Trump have not only become a rallying point for conservatives, characterizing it as “lawfare” and intensifying the belief that the Deep State is actively working against him to prevent his return to the Oval Office. However, voters appear to be increasingly indifferent to these allegations.

Recent findings from a Harvard-Harris poll reveal significant insights. For instance, participants were asked, “If Donald Trump is convicted by a jury for inciting the Capitol riots of January 6th, who would you vote for president?”

They were given the option of choosing between Trump and President Biden. Surprisingly, Trump continues to hold the edge over Biden, securing 54 percent support compared to Biden’s 46 percent.

Additionally, independents favor Trump in this scenario, with 58 percent siding with him compared to Biden’s 42 percent.

The survey also asked, “If Donald Trump is convicted by a jury for RICO in trying to influence the 2020 election results in Georgia, who would you vote for president?”

Once again, respondents choose Trump 52 percent to Biden’s 48 percent. Independents side with Trump by ten points โ€” 55 percent to Biden’s 45 percent.

The survey asked respondents again, “If Donald Trump is convicted by a jury of crimes related to his handling of classified presidential documents, who would you vote for president?”

Even in that scenario, Biden fails to get ahead of Trump, as both potential candidates come out with 50 percent support each:

In simpler terms, voters appear unconcerned about the potential fallout from the numerous lawsuits against Trump, much to Haley’s probable disappointment.

Haley also claimed that Republicans will see defeat if Trump is elected.

“You have to see the writing on the wall, you have to see the hole in the ship,” Haley said.

“And if you don’t see the hole in the ship, we’re all going to go down,” she concluded.

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