According to CNN, White Christians in America Must Embrace Mass Immigration of People of Color to Save Church -
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According to CNN, White Christians in America Must Embrace Mass Immigration of People of Color to Save Church

CNN has presented a weird viewpoint on the future of Christianity in America, which some consider racist. The network asserts that white Christians must embrace the mass immigration of people of color to save their faith.

According to CNN’s John Blake, the “spread of White Christian nationalism” and the Church’s opposition to gay sex “have stained the church’s reputation.” He believes that the decline of American Christianity can only be stopped by encouraging the acceptance of more Christian immigrants who are black or brown.

“Christianity could rebound in America if White Christians embrace this one change,” he claims.

According to “the nation’s top religion scholars and historians,” the American church “is poised to find a new life for one major reason: Waves of Christians are migrating to the US,” he says in his article.

The American church may find salvation in “the booming of Christianity in what is called the ‘Global South,’ the regions encompassing Latin America, Africa, and Asia” the article declares.

Nevertheless, the “biggest challenge” to Christianity’s future in America is not declining numbers, Blake argues, “but the church’s ability to adapt to this migration.”

This migration is known as the “Browning of America,” he states, meaning a demographic trend expected to make white people the minority in the U.S. by 2045.

Yet the influx of black and brown Christians from places like Latin America and Asia “collides with another trend: a burgeoning White Christian nationalist movement that insists, incorrectly, that the US was founded as a White, Christian nation,” Blake warns. “It is hostile to non-White immigrants.”

The death knell for Christianity in America, he asserts, could come if the U.S. “enters another xenophobic period and limits migration from non-White Christians” or if “some Christians still cling to the belief that America is supposed to be a White Christian nation.”

“The future of American Christianity is neither white evangelicalism nor white progressivism,” Blake writes, citing New York Times columnist Tish Harrison Warren.

“The future of American Christianity now appears to be a multi-ethnic community that is largely led by immigrants of the children of immigrants,” he wrote.

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