BREAKING NEWS: Asa Hutchinson Announces 2024 Presidential Bid -
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BREAKING NEWS: Asa Hutchinson Announces 2024 Presidential Bid

During an appearance on ABC’s “This Week,” Asa Hutchinson (R-AR), a former governor, announced on Sunday his candidacy for the presidential election of 2024.

Anchor Jonathan Karl asked him: “Are you running?”

Hutchinson replied: “I have made a decision, and my decision is I’m going to run for president of the United States. While the formal announcement will be later in April, I wanted to make clear that to you, Jonathan, I am going to be.”

“The reason is I’ve traveled the country for six months. I hear people talk about the leadership out of our country, and I’m convinced that people want leaders that appeal to the best of America and not simply appeal to our worst instincts. That inspires me when I see everyday Americans just saying, give us good leadership, give us common sense, consistent conservatism and optimism about our great country. That inspires me. I believe I can be that kind of leader for the people of America,” he explained.

Karl said: “You got a lot of experience. You’ve been a prosecutor, you’ve been a member of Congress, you’ve been a governor, you’ve been director of the DEA, but most people outside of Arkansas don’t know you. How do you break through?”

Hutchinson replied: “Hard work and messaging. I’ve spent time in Iowa, and I love the response I get there. It’s still about retail politics in these states. Also, this is one of the most unpredictable political environments I’ve seen in my lifetime. My message of consistent conservatism and hope for our future and solving problems that face Americans.”


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