FEEL-GOOD STORY OF THE DAY: 85-Year-Old Mother With .357 Magnum Saves Disabled Son From Intruder

In Idaho, an 85-year-old mother fought off an intruder who broke into her home. Despite the attacker’s presence, she managed to outsmart him, grab her .357 Magnum revolver, and fatally shoot him to save her disabled son.

The attack occurred on March 13, 2024, and on April 10, 2024, Bingham County Prosecutor Ryan Jolley announced findings that the mother’s actions were clearly in defense of herself and her son.

Jolley identified the elderly mother as Christine Jenneiahn, stating:

“This case presents an easy analysis of self-defense and justifiable homicideโ€ฆIt also presents one of the most heroic acts of self-preservation I have ever heard of.”

Jenneiahn was awoken at 2:00 a.m. by the intruder, Derek Condon, standing over her and pointing a 9mm pistol at her. He hit her, causing her to bleed, then took her into her living room, handcuffed her to a chair, and demanded valuables.

The mother did not mention that her disabled son was in the home, hoping that might keep him safe. She then told Condon there were safes downstairs where he could find valuables. When he went downstairs to look she dragged herselfโ€“chair and allโ€“to where she kept her revolver, retrieved it, and waited for Condon to come back upstairs.

He came back furious after discovering her disabled son was in the house.

Seeing her moment, Jenneiahn grabbed the revolver and shot Condon twice. He returned fire, shooting in her arm, leg, chest, and abdomen. However, Condon’s wounds caught up with him after that and he struggled to the kitchen, where he died.

Jolley indicated Jenneiahn then “collapsed to the floor,” where she lay for ten hours before her son came to her and gave her a phone so she could call 911.

East Idaho News reported that Jenneiahn was hospitalized for her injuries and then released.

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